Never in the history of humanity have people been convinced to leave their homes based on logic, science, or law – it has always been a departure of desperation, and futility. Settlers are people fed up with the way things are.
Tired of struggling to make ends meet, persecuted for their values, beliefs, and or financial condition, settlers are people who pull up stakes and … move on – to a harder, more challenging life.
The vast majority of settlers of the new world that got the work done were mostly indentured servants who earned their right to make their own way in the Americas. They toiled in the fields, first for their landowners, then on their own. They worked out new ways to work the soil, new tools to get the job done, and carved out modest, new homes in a wilderness full of unknown risks.
Settlers are those who carve a life out of the wilderness. Settlers are those who come prepared with tools, and a minimum of resources to survive. Settlers are those who make something out of nothing.
Tired of struggling to make ends meet, persecuted for their values, beliefs, and or financial condition, settlers are people who pull up stakes and … move on – to a harder, more challenging life.
The bulk of those who travelled west in the American expansion, were people looking for a new start. A do or die gamble engaged because of debts, loss of job, or home, or persecution. These people looked west for an opportunity to build a new life, a life of hope. They accepted the challenge ahead of them. They accepted the life threatening risk of starvation, exposure, or attack.
Tired of struggling to make ends meet, persecuted for their values, beliefs, and or financial condition, settlers are people who pull up stakes and … move on – to a harder, more challenging life.
Lewis and Clark were very much like our astronauts. They were Army officers commissioned to open the western frontier. In much the same way, NASA was commissioned to open the frontier of space. But NASA has become a bloated buracracy looking for guarantees of safety, and spending money on redundancies at the expense of real exploration and settlement opportunities.
Who are the settlers of the next wild frontier? Astronauts? No. At most, astronauts will serve as our wagon masters, guiding settlers through the most dangerous territories on their way to their new homes. Settlers will be people like you and me. People trained to solve everyday problems, not trained to perform a specialized mission for science geeks back on earth.
Settlers are those who carve a life out of the wilderness. Settlers are those who come prepared with tools, and a minimum of resources to survive. Settlers are those who make something out of nothing.
Tired of struggling to make ends meet, persecuted for their values, beliefs, and or financial condition, settlers are people who pull up stakes and … move on – to a harder, more challenging life.