The MASH has a new look! A fresh paint job is crucial as I plan to move into formal outreach this coming year. Not only is the paint job new, but the MASH has a new 8′ by 40′ roof deck. Sixteen of the solar panels are now on the sides creating a substantial awning. This reduces the panels on the roof to just 4, permitting use of the deck for other functions such as storage, and a telescope mount, and kicking back watching both sunrise and sunset!

New Paint Job

Transitioning From Research into Development and Production

Up until now the work in the Mini-Farm has been focused on developing techniques for growing crops, selecting those crops, and raising quail, fish, BSFL, and worms in this small enclosed space. I have finalized the selected methods, and have planted the first in a series of crops to be grown for food and sustenance.

Additionally, I have acquired 12 new quail who now occupy the cage, and they will be my seed group, to hopefully raise them continuously moving forward. The tilapia have already bred, hatching a group of fingerlings that brings the fish population to 75.

Specific areas I can work on now include coordinating the 90 day crop cycle with a 90 day harvest cycle for both the fish and quail. And working to better foster the crops in both the garden and the marsh.

New Module!

Additionally, the aquaponics system has a new, operational component. I have been continuing my effort to embrace ecological components and distance the system from dependence on industrial based components. To that end I have incorporated a small marsh between the pond and the garden. This marsh provides an ecological way to 1. capture fish solids, 2. Process greywater, and 3. add growing space for bog plants such as rice, cranberries, and watercress.

BIG NEWS! Phase 4 is in active design mode!

In big news, I have purchased 3 acres of land west of Phoenix. This will become the permanent home for the MASH, when I’m not traveling.

The land purchase is in preparation for developing Phase 4 of the business plan: a full size 8 person research hab. The goal is to complete the design for a self sustaining facility, demonstrating a Fully Closed Circular Ecological Habitat, or Space Homestead

I am still in the early planning stages, so stay tuned for updates as they become available.